
Home > Membership

Become a member of AUCSO

Membership is available to anyone who is responsible for providing security services in universities and colleges. All new membership inquiries will be considered by the Chair, Vice Chair, and COO, who have the discretion to accept or reject such applications.

Membership is only available by institution, with each afforded the opportunity to nominate up to six representatives to the association for the standard fee. They will all receive emails, news and forum notifications as well as access to the members area on the website.

Membership is currently £260 per year for each institutional member organisation.

We do not allow commercial membership but do welcome inquiries regarding sponsorship. Please contact

What are the benefits of joining?

Security Guard


Membership of AUCSO provides instant access to more than 500 security professionals operating in Institutions of Higher and Further Education. Members readily share knowledge and experience and topical issues are openly discussed between our members.


The Association provides on-line forums at both the ‘regional’ and ‘all members’ levels within our members only section. This provides an opportunity for members to pose questions and see all replies in one place without clogging up our email in-boxes!


Regional Meetings take place regularly, allowing members to debate matters of interest and to share experiences. Each year the Association also holds an annual  conference, exhibition and AGM for all its members. Whether it is at local or national level, we are always keen to meet and welcome new potential members.


The sharing of knowledge between members is a key aspect of what we are about, particularly in the face of ever changing technical solutions for our security needs. To this end AUCSO members share guidelines, best practice notes and technical specifications that are made available for members in our Library and on our Forum.

Business People


Training is an important facet of the Association and we coordinate and advertise a variety of courses tailored to members’ requirements, providing good practice in training standards. We are constantly seeking members’ views on career development and the training needs of their staff. AUCSO provides access to free training resources.

Regulations & Guidelines

Special Interest Groups

The sharing of knowledge and the ongoing development of good practice and physical resources is important to our stakeholders.

Special Interest Groups (SIG’s) have been developed in the following subject areas;

  • Gender Based Violence
  • Benchmarking
  • Mental Health & Wellbeing
  • Protests & Encampments

All the groups are led by a professional with expertise in that field.  Volunteer members are welcome to participate in the SIG’s.  If you are interested please contact

Updates and resources will be available on a dedicated area of the Website.