Christmas Message

This year there will be a short Christmas message from each of our regions posted daily, starting on Saturday the 12th of December – look out for the daily email notification in your in-box. Don’t worry, it’s just a little bit of fun to keep you smiling on the run up to Christmas. Do add your comments in the box below the messages if you wish to. Meanwhile we will start off with a message from our Chair, Trevor Jones… 

Dear AUCSO Members, I would like to start this year’s Christmas message by saying a huge “thank you” to the many of you who sent me “get well” emails, texts or phone messages whilst I was off sick with the Coronavirus. It really did a lot for me by keeping my spirits up and laughing at some quite hilarious messages too!

This year has been a year like no other in living memory. Tough for everyone wherever in the world you may be. Hopefully there is a beacon of light at the end of the tunnel but sadly not quick enough for us to get together for our conference in Edinburgh. It really would have been our best conference ever, with the venue, speakers and social events we had planned. I realise I will go down in history as the only Chair to cancel not one, but two conferences! But I know our new Chair in April, Les Allen, will produce a stunning conference at Leeds in 2022.

Financially we have been very prudent (like a real Yorkshireman) and the idea of putting money to one side for a rainy day, came quicker than any of us thought! We have paid all our obligations fully this year and have strong finances going into a new year and even though there will be no conference next year, we will still be in a very strong position in 2022. Many thanks must go to Andy Simpson for his excellent work in this area.

Once again AUCSO has continued to grow its membership with new members from Canada and the Middle East. Welcome to all of you and we look forward to meeting with you when the time is right. I fully expect that membership will continue to grow due to the interest generated around Asia and Canada. Our European region has also grown and is stronger than ever under Benny Vandenberghe’s leadership. We have several new regional chairs who have or will be joining the Executive team following the next AGM and I am certain they will enhance all the work within AUCSO.

Christmas will be different this year for everyone, but it is a time to be with loved ones and to take a break from the stresses we have all been under. I know I am really looking forward to it and I am assured by the UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, who said on TV that Santa will still be delivering presents this year! Be careful what you wish for!




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