*POSTPONED* – Insider Threat and ACT Education and Protective Security/Preparedness Guidance Awareness Webinar 13th June 2024—11:00-12:00pm

Insider Threat and ACT Education and Protective Security/Preparedness Guidance Awareness Webinar

Sincere apologies, but due to the pre-election period and the rulings around Lead Government Departments engagement during this period, we will have to postpone this webinar now until August time.

I will come back with a new date in due course if okay.

Many thanks for your continued support.

13th June 2024—11:00-12:00pm – POSTPONED


The Department for Education in partnership with National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO), National Protective Security Authority (NPSA) and AUCSO invite you to an Insider Threat and DfE ACT E Learning and Protective Security and Preparedness awareness webinar for those working in the education sector.

People are an organisation’s biggest asset; however, in some cases they can also pose an insider risk. As organisations implement increasingly sophisticated physical and cyber security measures to protect their assets from external threats, the recruitment of insiders can become more attractive to those attempting to gain access.

One of our subject matter experts from the National Protective Security Authority (NPSA) will explain the implications of Insider Threat to help organisations be better prepared to manage any concerns and better safeguard their internal assets.

This will be followed by an overview from the DfE on the recently launched ACT Education E Learning and Protective Security and Preparedness guidance aimed at all those working in educational settings.

If you are keen to learn how you can protect your organisations and the public from terrorism, please click the link below where you can sign up and access further details.

We hope you can make it!




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