Research request on behalf of Anglia Ruskin


Dear Colleagues and Friends

I hope you are well. I am conducting a survey of carers in academia and I wonder if you could help disseminate it within the AUCSO networks. To be eligible, you need to be employed by a UK-based university and to be a carer (broadly understood, including as a parent, for a friend, a relative etc.). Here’s the link:

We have received ethical approval for this project and are happy to address any question.

Thank you in advance for any support.

Warm wishes




Marie-Pierre Moreau

Professor of Education – Education Research Lead – CERII Director – ARU, Cambridge, CB1 1PT.



While I work flexibly, I accept that you will read and respond to this email within your normal working hours.  


#ARUProud, our Education courses are ranked number 1 in the country by the Guardian League Table 2021


Selected recent publications:

Hoskins, K, Moreau, M.P & McHugh, E. (2023) ‘From PhD to ECR: Supervisory relationships, precarity and the temporal regimes of academia’, Access: Critical explorations of equity in higher education, 11(1), 47–62.


Moreau, M.P. & Wheeler, L. (2023) Through a glass, darkly: Gazing into the field of carers in academia, Review of Education, 11,


Hook, G., Moreau, M.P. & Brooks, R. (eds) (2022) Student carers in higher education: Navigating, resisting and redefining academic cultures. London: Routledge.


Moreau, M.P. (2022) Performing the ‘feminine’ subject of education: Lessons from Matilda, in Kerger, S. and Brasseur, L. (eds) Gender and Education in Luxembourg and Beyond: Local Challenges and New Perspectives. Luxemburg: Mélusine Press.


Moreau, M.P. & Galman S.C. (2021) Writing/drawing care-based equity into practice: A research- and art-based collaboration about caring responsibilities in academia [Special Issue], Access: Critical Explorations of Equity in Higher Education, 9(1), 59-73,


Henderson, E. & Moreau, M.P. (2020) Carefree conferences? Academics with caring responsibilities performing mobile academic subjectivities, Gender and Education, 32(1), 70-85,

Moreau, M.P. & Robertson, M. (2019) ‘You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours’? Support to academics who are carers in higher education, Social Sciences [Special Issue: Family and Work: Parental Leave and Careers],

Moreau, M.P. (2018) Teachers, gender and the feminisation debate. London: Routledge.


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