NaCTSO Webinar

See Check and Notify (SCaN)

Higher Education Webinar

8th December 2023—12:00-13:00pm


The National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO) and the Department for Education in partnership with AUCSO invite you to a  ‘See Check & Notify’ webinar for the Higher Education sector.


Friday 8th December 2023 12:00 – 13:00hrs


‘See, Check and Notify’ (SCaN) aims to help businesses and organisations maximise safety and security using existing resources. Your people are your biggest advantage in preventing and tackling a range of threats, including criminal activity, unlawful protest and terrorism. SCaN training empowers your staff to correctly identify suspicious activity and know what to do when they encounter it. It helps ensure that individuals or groups seeking to cause your organisation harm are unable to get the information they need to plan their actions.


One of our subject matter experts from the National Disruptive Effects Team will explain what ‘SCaN’ is, how to access the various elements of it, and how it can add value to the security efforts at your site.

If you are keen to learn how you can protect the public from terrorism, please click the link below where you can sign up and access further details.


We hope you can make it!








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